The ICU is committed to offering patients the opportunity to be included in research studies which may shape and improve the future provision of care in our speciality. There are a variety of studies running on the unit including drug trials, therapy interventions and observational studies. The details of these studies can be viewed in the waiting areas on ICU/HDU.

All NHS studies are scrutinised and ethically approved. Where possible, patients themselves consent to being involved in research. When patients are unconscious or too unwell to give consent, the patient’s legal representative will be approached to establish whether it is in the patient’s interests to enrol into a study. This may include the patient’s next-of-kin who is a close relative, partner or friend.

If you are approached to consider research participation, you will be given time to discuss the study and ask questions. There is no obligation to take part in research and if you decline this will not affect the care of your loved one. Conversely, if you do agree to participate this will not guarantee an improved outcome either. However, contributing to studies does help the NHS to provide the most effective care in the future. Once the patient has been discharged to the ward, they will be visited by a member of the research team to ascertain whether they wish to continue in the study and consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Please contact the Research Team if you’d like further information. If you’ve participated in an ICU study we would very much welcome feedback of your experience.

Liz Wilby Senior Research Sister Tel.01132069213     Email


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